Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Field trip to NSCAD

On Monday we go to visit NSCAD's print shop. This is Joe Landry. He love printing things. He's very soft spoken and probably the most knowledgeable person about printing in this side of Canada. The thing he's standing by is working replica of a Gutenburg Printing press. These were made out of wood and were the first printing presses used mostly by monks.

This page is an example of one of the first printing pages with two colours. I can't remember the year, or any other things that might be of interest to you. I was too busy being fascinated by all the beautiful things Joe let us touch! That's right, we got to touch these super old papers and books. SUPER OLD!

 And here's a three color page. So beautiful.

Here's a little book. Joe was invited to speak at the archives and explain some of the printing history and he was passing around his books and papers like he did for us. Apparently Joe got this book in Italy for $45.00 some 30 or more years ago. Anyways, there were lots of people at this event, and one guy seemed to be just loosing it. He was freaking out. Apparently he worked for the National Archives of Canada who had just bid on the same type of book Joe was handing out for everyone in the audience to touch. Sadly, the National Archives didn't bid high enough to get the book, only a measly $400,000. 

And here's an example of different printed types.

 We got to print out our own keepsake! I printed this one and later smudged it.. twice. But I love the vintage cigarette ad.

That's me!

 We went downstairs to see where all the type was kept. This was a row of Helvetica, and I LOVE helvetica, so this was very impressive for me!

This is Britney and Taylor. Taylor is telling is an amusing story about how one time she nearly fainted at the zoo. Hysterical!

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