Friday, August 10, 2012

Carter's Beach

Over the weekend I got to enjoy one of the prettiest beaches around, Carter's Beach. Located in Port Mouton, on the south shore of Nova Scotia, this is a beautiful destination.

Ice Drink

My best friend in the world is my grandmother. She is smart, funny and creative. Last weekend when I went to visit her and the family, she offered me a crystal lite. After a few minutes she returend to me with this.

Pretty neat idea! She froze water at the bottom of the pop bottle. (that white stuff is ice) Whenever someone wants a cool drink they just fill up the rest with water and crystal lite, and it stays nice and cold!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tablet Case

So Michaels has a ton of craft ideas, and as I was browsing twitter the other day, I saw a great craft idea of making a tablet case out of ducktape and felt. This seemed perfect for me, because I don't have a sewing machine and I've been thinking about sewing a case ever since the horrible day when I scratched my tablet to bits in my bag.

So yesterday I visited Deserres. I got to see my very beautiful, talented friend Christin. She works there and the second I walked in the door I heard "Lyndsay!!" from behind the counter. After we chatted for a bit, I grabbed some turquoise felt and black ducktape. I avoid all other isles, especially the paint isle. Ohh how I wanna blow a ton of cash on paint. I love painting, but haven't had the time or inspiration to do it lately.

Anyways, when I got home away I went.

These are the materials I used: Ducktape, felt, scissors, and a ruler.

First I placed my tablet on the felt and measured around. I used a marker to outline it and then cut it with my scissors.

I used two pieces of felt the same size and taped the edges together.

I also added a little flap for easy opening. I tape it down, but to be sure it would hold, I also stapled it and taped over the staples.

After that I figured out the design I might put on it. After a few different layers, it ended up looking like this.

I decided that I wanted a completely felt covered side. Also, I wanted a pocket for the little usb cord that comes with my tablet, so I just went for it, and voila!!

I'm pretty pleased with it, and it will be great in my bag when I'm traveling back and forth to school.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fireplace Mantel

For the past few weeks I've been helping my beloved boyfriend's mother clean out her basement. She is having it renovated with beautiful new floors, walls, the whole shebang. The problem lies with having three son's worth of childhood memories, books, furniture, plus her own things that she can't bare to throw away.  I have to admit, she has been pretty good about it, and has donated many items, recycled what she could, and has given away so much of`of it to anyone she thinks might use it, including me.

I managed to snag the exterior of a broken electric fireplace. I loved the look, but not the color so much. I wish I had taken a photo before I got to work on it, but here's one of what the finish originally looked like.

 Here is the base, pre-painting. As you can see it's light wood.

Nick got in on the action and suggested we painted the inside the brightest yellow he could find. The paint guy at Canadian Tire really didn't hide his fear that it would be intense. However, we knew it would just go on the interior and not be a showcase. Plus we were painting over brown, so no biggie!

 After a bunch of coats, this is how it was looking.

Finally after 2 trips to the hardware store and a lot of waiting for coats to dry, this is what we had.

It's hard to see the yellow, but it really does look good. I love the look and white makes it look so clean and fresh. Who needs an inside, when it looks great just as it is!