Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lucy got a Jacket!


I wasn't really sure how I felt about dressing up dogs. In Korea everyone dressed up dogs and it wasn't just for fun.  I occasionally bought Lucy clothes. (she used to have a taekwondo ourfit) I never seriously bought her too many clothes or dressed her for more than a photo shoot or halloween. When she had her surgery to get neutered I did make sure she wore a coat on the way home. (we had to walk in the winter, and she had had 3 days recovery there, so she was good to walk)

Anyways, I read on the internet that small dogs do sometimes need to wear coats in cold conditions. My internet research told me that if the temperature reaches below 0 degrees, is out for extended periods or the dog is small with little fur, it might be good to have it wear a coat. Lucy has been going on walks with me everyday, and I have a feeling that this winter is going to be a cold one. So the other day Nick and I were at Winners and we saw these jackets. I figured I'd rather have a jacket than not, especially if it was really cold out.

So volia! Lucy has an orange jacket. What do you think? Am I crazy to make my dog wear clothes? I think it's an idea that Canadians have trouble with, and I'm sure I'll be mocked by my friends. I chose orange because Lucy is already a ginger and I couldn't have her clashing. 

What do you think? I'm open to honesty!

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